The future is Downsizing when it comes to homes for Millennials.
Why are millennial's downsizing? Millennial's are choosing to downsize in today’s economy simply because of the cost factor. Nobody in their right mind would choose to have a 30 year mortgage if it were avoidable. It is more cost effective to build a new home at 600 square feet then it is to construct a home that is 1200 square feet. Millennial's are also aware that if you go smaller you have a lower carbon footprint on the environment. Lower because we could now divide one typical house lot (Depending on city ordinance) and potentially build up to three tiny homes per lot, in the end we push less animals out of their natural habitats. This allows our community to continue to grow and not interfere with nature. If your city does not allow this you could build the Tiny home and simply have a large outdoor dining area for entertaining 24/7. If you like to entertain and have dinner parties of 12-24 people “you can have your cake and eat it too”. For those who have large families there are options for you too! Outdoor kitchen and dining areas are possible and great if you live in a decent climate year around. If your climate isn’t so great year around we have options available for you too such as heated dome tents, outdoor heaters, fire pits etc.

How does one downsize efficiently? Are you interested in downsizing? Here is the step by step guide on how to succeed. Move to a space that is exactly half the space of where you are currently residing. So if you currently live in 800 square feet look for a studio that is 400 square feet. Now the fun part, after moving to the new 400 square foot studio separate items into three separate piles;
Let’s put our Marie Kondo vibes on yo!
Keep – Items that are special to you
Donate – Thank them, place them neatly in a pile
Discard –Thank the item and place it carefully in a pile (treat whatever it is well, it served you well)

What are the benefits of downsizing? Big time cost cutter when it comes to the build, considering most tiny homes are prefabricated and the shell is built in factory and shipped to final destination. No construction crew to hire to build the frame, comes shell ready to fill. Not to mention the savings, possibly smaller lot, less taxes. Smaller home = smaller utility bills, best part is you are using less without having to sacrifice.
Is downsizing for you, how do you know? Could you live in your room for a week or a space consisting of 400 square feet (I specify because I have seen rooms that are 800 square feet) Are you fond of the idea of having at least 50% extra income on an annual basis, possibly more? Now you have the ability to easily start saving for that early retirement or invest or send kids to college, choice is yours.
In conclusion, we have discussed why Millennial's are downsizing and the benefits that come with it, cost effective and less carbon footprint on environment. Then we discussed how one could downsize effectively and what exact steps to take to complete the process successfully. Which leads us to our next topic the benefits of downsizing. From immediately cutting cost on the build to lowering the impact on the environment to cutting cost on utilities. With all that being said is downsizing for you? Ask yourself if you could live in your room, do you want to have extra money? If the answer is yes, take the first step today in downsizing.

Hi Robin,
It's great that you tell people how to get a sense of what downsizing would feel like and walk them through it. It's so important that we reduce our carbon footprints. I love fire pits and i'm so happy that their are wood alternative materials available these days that can further reduce our footprint, but still allow us the luxury of cozying up around the fire. I can't wait to see more of your work!
Hi Robin, I really like what you wrote above, I agree with your point of view, thanks for sharing that with us.
You made a good point here : ''we push less animals out of their natural habitats. This allows our community to continue to grow and not interfere with nature''.
Keep – Items that are special to you
Donate – Thank them, place them neatly in a pile
Discard –Thank the item and place it carefully in a pile (treat whatever it is well, it served you well)
-Also enjoyed that part-
''and the benefits that come with it, cost effective and less carbon footprint on environment''.
Great job, keep going.